How to login to ikingssgc hub for dr who
How to login to ikingssgc hub for dr who

He has his job and I have college, they are huge time sucks. With istein we have been able to get so much done over these past few months but he and I still have an incredibly amount of responsibilities. It was only within the past 6/7 months where we brought on another incredibly talented programmer, isteinvids who has since taken over for yof as lead programmer on the DWCM. Of course we brought on new coders from time to time but none of them really quite knew exactly how to get our key features done so they pretty much just added blocks and items. Our lead programmer for the majority of the 3 years work had his life become incredibly busy with college and now work at a silicon valley startup, from time to time which meant that he would be gone for months on end and unable to work on DWCM regardless of how much he wanted to. I am not a programmer, this means that I alone am not responsible for the completion of the DWCM. Simply put, the programming of this project has never been an easy task. This is a really great question and one I've always been willing to answer whenever someone has asked it in the past. I know this mod will be great! I just hope it doesn't take another four years. It doesn't seem that it would take that long to actually start the testing process. I wonder why that hasn't changed in a few months now. I know you want this bug-free, but a few months ago on the stages of pre-release form, this was said by you: Please note that testing has not begun yet however we hope to have the alpha being sometime soon and a open beta public release a few weeks after that!

how to login to ikingssgc hub for dr who how to login to ikingssgc hub for dr who

Why has it taken nearly four years so far? Many mods that offer similar amounts of content, though not Doctor Who related, have come out in much shorter amounts of time. I know you have a life and you want the best for this mod. Before you quit reading, this isn't another "when will this be released" post.

How to login to ikingssgc hub for dr who